Upcoming Parish Events

Date 10-25-2024 7:15 pm - 04-04-2025
Pray the Rosary
12-20-2024 7:15 pm - 12-26-2025
Pray the Rosary
12-27-2024 7:15 pm - 01-02-2026

Congratulations to the young people who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 10:30 Mass last Sunday. Fr. Mike is pictured with them and their director, Gino, who is pictured to the far right. The young adults are members of Stritch and Marquette Universities and needed to receive the sacrament before Stritch University closes next week. We offer them our prayers.

Felicidades a los adultos jovenes quienes recibieron el Sacramento de Confirmación en la misa de 10:30 el domingo pasado. Padre Miguel está aqui con ellos y su director, Gino, quien está a la derecha. Los adultos jovenes son miembros de las Universidades de Stritch y Marquette y necesitaban recibir el sacramento antes de la Universidad de Stritch cierra la semana que viene. Les ofrecemos nuestras oraciones.