Adult Faith Formation is the lifelong process of finding and falling in love with God in the midst of our human lives. Every one of us, by virtue of our Baptism, is on a life-long journey of faith. St. Francis of Assisi offers many different programs and opportunities to help adults grow in faith. 

Bible Study

St. Francis Bible Study group meets once a month via Zoom beginning September 12 at 6:15PM. If interested please contact Nadia Negron at or Carl Carby at

El Estudio Bíblico está listo para comenzar el 12 de septiembre a las 6:15 p.m. a través de zoom y durará aproximadamente una hora. Si está interesado, comuníquese con Nadia Negron en o Carl Carby en

Prayer Group

Our Franciscan tradition is rooted in prayer. Learn how you can participate in this vital group by calling the parish office at  (414) 374-5750 

OCIA (Formerly RCIA)

If you are interested in becoming Catholic, an informational meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022 at 6:30 in the Parish Hall.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact the Parish Office for more information.