If you are an adult, teen, or a parent who is interested in joining the Catholic Church (or receiving Confirmation or First Communion), we'd love to talk more with you! There are many pathways that bring peopel into relationship with Jesus and His Church, we'll help you find the right path for you.
OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
OCIA is for adults who want to become Catholic or for Catholics who have never received the sacraments of Confirmation or First Communion. (Formerly RCIA)
Classes start in September until Easter, gathering Tuesday nights, 6:30-8:30pm
If you are interested, please call Fr. Mike, 374-5750, extension 11.
RCIC: Rite of Christian Initiation of Children
This program is for children between the ages of 8 and 17 who have never been baptized.
This program runs from September to Easter and prepares a child for the sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion.
Please call Fr. Mike if your child or grandchild is interested in participating in the RCIC program and receiving these sacraments. 414-374-5750, ext. 1