Join St. Francis...

...where we see ourselves as more than a church: We are a family!

Read this letter from a former parishoner who now lives in Iowa and see what makes St. Francis so special.

If you are interested in joining our parish family, please fill out the registration form below.   If you're not quite ready to join, but would like to talk to someone a little more about membership here at St. Francis of Assisi, please don't hestiate to contact us. 

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Member Registration Form

Household Information

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Head of Household

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/ / Please provide a valid birthdate

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Head of Household Sacraments

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Registration Information


Please provide an email address and password.  Allows you to log back in to the site to be able to edit your parish registration and update your information.

Be at least 4 characters
Please fill out all required fields.

Please fill out all required fields.

If you have additional members of your household to add (spouse, children, etc), please click the green Next button.
If you are finished, please click the blue Submit button.

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Spouse Information

If you would like to skip to providing information about your children, please click the green NEXT button at the bottom of the page.  

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/ / Please provide a valid birthdate

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Spouse Sacraments

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If you have additional members of your household to add (spouse, children, etc), please click the green Next button.
If you are finished, please click the blue Submit button.

Child #1 Information

If you do not have any children, please click the blue SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page.  

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/ / Please provide a valid birthdate

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If you have additional household members or other household situations not represented on this form, please contact the parish office at (414) 800-4007 or and we would be happy to talk through your family's unique situation.